Stay Fit

Tips to stay fit

  • Be sure to stay focused on that old saying that "you are what you eat" find a food plan that works for time it will become a way of life for'll learn to love the self-control and improvements that you have made.
  • Keep in mind that movement is exercising, such as when you are wiping down a counter top...your hand and arm should be moving in a circular directions...which helps to keep them arms in shape...add a few basic arm movements in with it, and you are on your way (to having toned arms).
  • You have probably heard or may hear someone say that they walk a lot; then somebody else will come along and say that it is not the right type of walking that they are doing, in which don't make a whole lot of is common knowledge that (walking is still putting one foot in front of the other) that is unless there is a new way of walking that just hasn't been heard of yet.
  • When away from home, park your car a distance from where that you need to go, such as the grocery store, etc., each step is in the right direction to staying fit.
  • Try eating less fat and sugar & try running.
  • Listening to music will help exercise.
  • Chose activities you enjoy - exercise doesn't have to feel like work.
  • Have friends and family get involved.